They Call Me The Miracle Lady - I Survived Two Cancers.
Betty's family got addicted to hand sanitizer. She survived ovarian cancer and became a volunteer at MD Anderson.
Jennifer answers the question "Is There Humor In Cancer" with a resounding, "Yes!"
This daughter interviews her mom and gets her talking about new hair, new boobs and all sorts of things!
This survivor talks about her big adventures. We don't want to give it away here, just watch!
Catherine thinks of herself as a Cancer Warrior. Her sister in law took the bull (helmet?) by the horns and bought her a Viking Helmet to wear to all of her treatments.
Janet, a breast cancer survivor, tells the story about her mammogram and diagnosis.
Jane reminisces about how she was determined to learn to play tennis as an adult, so she played outdoors during the winter. The highlight? Being City Singles Champion several years in a row.
Having breast cancer taught Peggy how to fight against her nature and lighten up!
This survivor talks about how her cancer diagnosis brought challenges, but also brought out the best in her and everyone around her.
These two friends and breast cancer survivors have their conversation about their family interrupted by a phone call from the kids.
Debbie is a breast cancer survivor with the greatest girlfriends and a new career path: Breast Cancer Exercise Trainer.
An eighteen year ovarian cancer survivor, Texan Sandy prides herself in being a peer counselor for cancer patients and doing a lot of community service.
“I love that commercial where it says ‘there’s not an expiration date stamped on my foot which says I expire at a certain day’. Well, there isn’t one on me either.”
Kera reveals she is thankful for the calls, notes and cash (mom…), talks about losing hair, eyelashes and brows. She's away from home for treatment and has made this video for her faraway family.
Ken Y. talks about planning a living funeral. Because he wants to hear the wonderful things people would say at his actual funeral.
Val tells her kids she loves them and talks about how wonderful it's been to have her dog, Pineapple.
Claudine answers her friend's question about her crazy nicknames
What Not To Say To Someone Diagnosed with Cancer
Tim describes his treatment using highly radioactive pellets put directly into his brain by medical professionals dressed like astronauts.
Each family member gives the three ways they'd change the world. Among other hilarious things, they'd cure illness, end hunger and put a hibachi restaurant in everyone's neighborhood.
Frances, a breast cancer survivor, tells how she disregarded all the Don'ts on the Post-Surgical List. And how there is Life After Breast Cancer.
Excellent advice from brain tumor patients: Use humor, have a good attitude, fight the fight, and get off the internet.
Elsa made this video message for her far away friend, to tell her she loves her and remind her to tell her stories to her family and friends.
This family tells their hopes and dreams for the future, for their home, kids, careers, and what the parents will do for their kids and what they'll all be when they grow up.
Aisha, against advice from her medical team but with the support of friends and family, figured out how to apply for and land a great job, starting right after brain surgery.
It's a Big Deal, but we can get through it.
Debbie thanks her girlfriends one by one for all they have done for her during her breast cancer treatment and beyond.
"It's a new life. I'm getting used to it." Mike had a seizure during which he saw his father and others who had passed. He says he's grateful for his new life, with all of its wild ups and downs.
Some of our Favorite Clips!
Ana Garcia passed away from inflammatory breast cancer in 2010. Here, she laughs about her two children, teases her husband, and talks about how the support of her family and friends made her stronger
In this heartfelt conversation, Ashma and Abdul, a physician, parents of two children talk about Ashma’s breast cancer, family, fear, struggle and the ability to maintain love and hope.
A kidney cancer patient and gastroenterologist, Ken talks about his kids, ancestors, heritage, cycling, his plans for his future and funeral, how his mom met his dad at his pickle stand, and hope.
Peggy, a breast cancer survivor, talks about all the things she's doing for the first time in 2010, when she turns 50. Hear about the Pink Phurree, an all survivor Dragon Boat Racing Team.
Kallie interviews her mom, who has endometrial cancer, about her heroes and heroines, her state of mind, what it means to be happy, her favorite curse word and how she most wants to be remembered.
Celebration our 50th Anniversary? Are You Kidding?
Rich reminisces about growing up in a trailer home.
This husband and wife reminisce about his controversial career choice.
This husband and wife reminisce about his years in high school.
Sometimes, you just can't ignore the fact that your conversation is being recorded.
Each recording session is as unique as the people in them. Here are some of our favorite clips!
Phil tells the story of his brain tumor diagnosis, surgery and recovery, and how he immediately decided to be as positive, confident and happy as possible.
My cancer tagline makes me laugh, no matter what.
Scanxiety and Sympathy Scanxiety
"The suckiest thing was the hair loss."
Listen to this extremely optimistic and happy husband and wife give a shout out to the people who have helped, and the things that keep them going them as they conquer his brain tumor.
My Imaginary Friend Annie
Soap as a metaphor for friendship and support.
Grit, Exercise and Wellness. Or, how I get to the gym at 4 am.
The Sweetest Glue
What's My Motto?
What NOT to say to someone with cancer.
Why I Wore a Viking Helmet to My Chemo Treatments
Michelle: “You got your gift, you know what it is?” Mia: “You?” Michelle: “No, all of us”
Emergency Brakes
While dancing their favorite dance to Gangnam Style, Jayden and his mother teach Mrs. Potato to blow bubbles, sing their “Abc’s” and are surprised by an intruder who attempts to appear in their video.
Give Me A Smile!