Ken Y. talks about planning a living funeral. Because he wants to hear the wonderful things people would say at his actual funeral.
Ana Garcia passed away from inflammatory breast cancer in 2010. Here, she laughs about her two children, teases her husband, and talks about how the support of her family and friends made her stronger
A kidney cancer patient and gastroenterologist, Ken talks about his kids, ancestors, heritage, cycling, his plans for his future and funeral, how his mom met his dad at his pickle stand, and hope.
Celebration our 50th Anniversary? Are You Kidding?
Chris takes a moment to tell her husband how he inspires her.
Want to be the best caregiver possible? Keep these 5 Ts in mind.
“I am blessed to be here, I am blessed to have found the right team of doctors.”
I'm Grateful for a Diagnosis. And Even More for My Wife.